Crescent City Cafe (New Orleans, LA) - Community Building/Coming Soon

New Orleans, LA

Crescent City Cafe is opening a pay-what-you-can community cafe! As the need for food security continues to grow in New Orleans, so does the vision of the Crescent City Cafe. We will expand and create a full-service cafe, operate our own restaurant space, and serve breakfast and brunch daily. Anyone that visits us will be able to enjoy a meal regardless of his or her ability to pay.

The Crescent City Cafe will join other pay-what-you-can community cafes in the United States including the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Kitchen in New Jersey, S.A.M.E. Cafe (So All May Eat) in Denver, and F.A.R.M. Cafe (Feed All Regardless of Means) in North Carolina. This practice of inclusive dining will help the Crescent City Cafe build a diverse, interconnected community where low-income guests dine and volunteer side-by-side with paying customers.

We are excited to expand and serve more people with dignified dining.